Pre-Congress field trip

E1. Devonian reefs of the Carnic Alps and related environments (4 days field trip)

Leaders: Carlo Corradini (Univ. Cagliari), Erika Kido (Univ. Graz), Thomas Suttner (NHM Vienna), Luca Simonetto (Udine Museum), Monica Pondrelli (Univ. Chieti-Pescara).

Presentation. In the Carnic Alps, located at the Italian/Austrian border, the largest Devonian reefs of Europe are exposed. They were mainly built by stromatoporoids, rugose and tabulate corals, calcisphaeres and populated by a variety of brachiopods, trilobites, crinoids, etc.
Beside the reefs, all the deposits from back reef to fore reef and basin are preserved in the Devonian of the Carnic Alps. During the four days field trip participants will have the chance to visit most of these sediments in a complete transect from shallow to deep water deposits. Also, pre-and post-reef rocks will be shown. Most localities will be reached by hikes, not more than two hours long, in mountain environments. Visits to the Carnic Alps Geopark visiting centre in Dellach (Austria) and Timau (Italy) are scheduled.

– August 30 (Friday): departure from Modena in the early morning by minivans. In the early afternoon visit to the Porifera collections at the Friulian Museum of Natural History in Udine. Arrival at Cason di Lanza Pass in late afternoon. Night at Cason di Lanza hut (Italy);
– August 31 (Saturday): visit to back reef outcrops (“Amphipora limestone”) near Cason di Lanza Pass and fore-reef sequence in Mt. Zermula area. Night in Mauthen (Austria);
– September 1 (Sunday): the true reef deposits at Val di Collina quarry and brachiopod coquina at Porto Cozzi quarry. Other outcrops along the road and in Passo di Monte Croce Carnico/Plöckenpass area will be shown. Night in Mauthen (Austria);
– September 2 (Monday): visit to post reef Upper Devonian pelagic limestones in Pramosio area. Arrival in Modena in the afternoon.

Excursion fee includes: guidebook, travel from Modena and return, meals and hotel accommodation. Cost is 750 euro.

N° of participants: min 10/max 21